Name: Reference to national adaptation strategy in assessed FRMPs
Display Field: NAME_LATN
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: In November 2007 the Floods Directive (FD) entered into force. The Directive takes a three step cyclical approach to flood risk management being the third step to prepare Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP)
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: COAST_TYPE
, Coded Values:
[0: Not applicable]
, [1: Coastal regions bordering the sea]
, [2: Coastal regions (≥ 50 % of population lives within 50 km of the sea)]
, ...1 more...
Description: In November 2007 the Floods Directive (FD) entered into force. The Directive takes a three step cyclical approach to flood risk management being the third step to prepare Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP)
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: COAST_TYPE
, Coded Values:
[0: Not applicable]
, [1: Coastal regions bordering the sea]
, [2: Coastal regions (≥ 50 % of population lives within 50 km of the sea)]
, ...1 more...