Name: Percentage of Urban Morphological Zone (UMZ) potentially affected by coastal flooding, assuming a sea level rise of 1m
Display Field: CITY_ID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The data on maximum storm surge heights (100-year event of actual climate) as generated by the ‘Dynamic and interactive vulnerability assessment’ (DIVA) project were used to determine actual medium inundation heights. To account for the effects of climate change, 1 m of potential sea level rise until 2100 was calculated on top of these values35. In order to determine potentially inundated areas, the Hydro1k digital elevation model was utilised. By identifying the cells below the respective regional inundation threshold, continuous areas have been delineated, which can be considered as potentially at risk of storm surge-related inundation. The inundation information has been combined with the urban area of all coastal cities. For each city, the proportion of the area affected by a 1-metre sea level rise is computed and represented by coloured dots in the map. As this indicator is simply based on elevation by identifying low-lying areas, and does not take into account existing adaptation measures like dikes, the actual risk is likely to be much lower than the indicator shows.
Copyright Text: Urban Morphological Zone (EEA), DIVA dataset, Hydro1k model