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snippet: Level of education is one of the indicators of socio-economic status, which in turn translates into vulnebaility to climate-related hazards such as heatwaves and flooding. Those with lower education levels tend to have lower incomes, which affects where and how they live as well as their ability to afford adaptation measures for their households, People with lower levels of education tend to have lower awareness of climate-related risks. They also tend to work in environments that expose them to heat to a greater extent than those with higher education levels. Therefore, considering the levels of education among residents of the city is important for adaptation planning.
summary: Level of education is one of the indicators of socio-economic status, which in turn translates into vulnebaility to climate-related hazards such as heatwaves and flooding. Those with lower education levels tend to have lower incomes, which affects where and how they live as well as their ability to afford adaptation measures for their households, People with lower levels of education tend to have lower awareness of climate-related risks. They also tend to work in environments that expose them to heat to a greater extent than those with higher education levels. Therefore, considering the levels of education among residents of the city is important for adaptation planning.
extent: [[-61.037388,-20.9398844993695],[55.5020745000001,69.6385679993855]]
accessInformation: Eurostat
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: he data on 'Persons aged 25-64 with ISCED level 5, 6, 7 or 8 as the highest level of education, from 2014 onwards' [urb_ceduc] for 2014 was was downloaded for Urban Audit cities from Eurostat ( and joined spatially with the Urban Audit 2011-14 city centroids, also downloaded from Eurostat (
title: Percentage of working-age population with higher education (various years)
type: Map Service
tags: ["social vulnerability; socio-economic status"]
culture: en-GB
name: UR_Vulnerability_publish_HEdu_mod
guid: CA817DD5-3BDF-4534-A9FB-9CC3B50B749B
spatialReference: GCS_ETRS_1989